结构说明 油漆:紫外线光固化UV漆/体育地板专用水性漆 |
●面层地板:枫木、柞木等硬木 |
●毛地板:落叶松耐水胶合板 |
●防潮隔离层 ●上层龙骨:落叶松 |
●胶垫:15mm厚弹性胶垫,我公司**产品 |
●下层龙骨:落叶松 |
●垫块 |
总高度:13m0m-170mm |
Double keel is a suspended wood floor structure of ourcompany to cater to the development trend of world sportsflooring industry
research and development, which are not only durable and elastic motion performance, fully meet the requirements of DIN standard.
An elastic pad at theintersection between upper and lower keel not only solves the keel direct contact to sound problem and improved
sports performance.